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Snohomish Little League


Report an Injury

All injuries to players and volunteers occurring during a Little League activity should be reported to the Safety Officer.

Here is how:

  1. Download the Little League Injury Report.
  2. Complete the injury report, online.
  3. Submit it to us at [email protected] as soon as possible. 

In general, an injury report should be completed when an incident occcurs requiring use of the first aid kit or a player sits out of play following the incident.

(Coaches should contact the league safety officer at the end of the practice/game that the injury occurred and direct the parent/guardian to make contact immediately.)

ID Badges & Background Checks

In order to keep our children safe while playing for Snohomish Little League, we comply with Little League International's requirement that each volunteer submit a Signed Volunteer Application (along with a driver's license photocopy) prior to any contact with the children of our league. Your social security number must also be submitted for a valid background check.

First Advantage, a national registry organization has contracted with Little League to provide local leagues with a special Internet site that allows the Board to search a criminal records database of more than 200 million criminal records instantly. This site provides searches of criminal records from various repository sources and state level sex offender registries across the United States. Though Little League International requires members to search a minimum of the Department of Justice National Sex Offender Registry, this Internet site includes state level sex offender searches for the entire United States that may uncover violent criminals who could pose potential danger to players. Therefore, Snohomish Little League has elected to use this service offered by First Advantage and implement a higher standard than required.

ID Badges Must Be Worn At All Times!

Please understand that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will anyone who has not been cleared by First Advantage be allowed into any situation where they will have contact with the kids of our league. This includes (but is not limited to) assisting at practices, umpiring, or supervising a group of kids while the coach is busy. Team Parents and must also have a valid SLL badge. Managers, coaches and volunteers who do not visibly wear their id badges at practices or competitions will not be allowed on the field.

Concession workers will not be required to obtain a badge; however, it is recommended. If you will not be on the field, in the dugout, or assisting with the players in any manner and intent to only work your required shifts in the concession stand, you will not be required to have a badge.

Concussion Compliance and Safety Training

Washington State now requires that all volunteers read and acknowledge the Concussion Compliance Law. please clck on the following link to read and print this information. DOWNLOAD HERE

All Managers and Coaches must complete safety training for concussions at:

Please send our completed certificate to [email protected]


Cardiac Awareness Act Compliance


Coach Training and Certificate of Completion Every Three Years - every three years, each On Field Volunteer must complete an online sudden cardiac arrest prevention program and submit a certificate showing completion of the program to the club/association.

Until the State of Washington has its own trianing, it has been recommended that we use the National Federation of State High School Associations (NHFS) online training.

The training takes approximately 15 minutes and is available for free at:

In order to receive a Volunteer ID Badge, you will need to submit the certification of completion to [email protected]

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