Snohomish Little League Board of Directors
The management of the property and affairs of the local league shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Executive Board shall advise with and assist the Snohomish Little League in all matters concerning its interests and the management of its affairs and shall have such other powers as may be delegated to it by the Board, but in no event will the Executive Board have authority over the Board of Directors.
President (Executive Board)
Presides at league meetings and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president receives all mail, supplies, and other communications from the Little League International. The president must see to it that league personnel is properly briefed on all phases of rules, regulations, and policies of Little League. The league president is the contact between the local organization and Little League International.
Vice President of Administration (Executive Board)
Performs the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President. Maintains a register of members and directors; records the minutes of meetings; is responsible for sending out notice of meetings and maintains a record of league’s activities. Conducts all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and resolutions. Works with the President to develop and maintain content and technical aspects of the website. Utilizes the website to create messaging to the members of the league via the website. Develops written communications plans for organizational purposes and future use and board. Helps organize all data, communications, marketing, etc. Works with President and Vice President of Operations to update players, fans, and coaches via email, social media and other outlets. Is responsible for the coordination and development of all aspects of the administration of Snohomish Little League, including recruiting, training, assisting, overseeing, and acting as the following, as needed (recommended but not limited) Board of Director positions: Secretary, Registrar, Director of Information/Communication, Director of Volunteers, Scheduler, Webmaster, and Director of Photography.
Vice President of Baseball (Executive Board)
Is responsible for the coordination and development of all aspects of the baseball divisions of Snohomish Little League, including planning, coordinating, and supervising all baseball-related tryouts. Will recruit, train, assist, and overseeing the following as needed (recommended but not limited) Board of Directors positions: Director of Baseball, Baseball Coaching Coordinator, Director of Seniors Baseball, Director of Juniors Baseball, Director of Majors Baseball, Director of Minors Baseball, and Director of Rookie Baseball & Tee Ball.
Vice President of Softball (Executive Board)
Is responsible for the coordination and development of all aspects of the softball divisions of Snohomish Little League, including planning, coordinating, and supervising all softball-related tryouts. Will recruit, train, assist, and oversee the following as needed (recommended but not limited) Board of Directors positions: Director of Softball, Softball Coaching Coordinator, Director of Juniors and Seniors Softball, Director of Majors Softball, Director of Minors Softball, and Director of Rookie Softball.
Vice President of Operations (Executive Board)
Is responsible for the coordination and development of all aspects of the general operations of Snohomish Little League. Assists the President in the development and application of the league safety plan (ASAP). Recruits, trains, assists, and oversees the following as-needed (recommended but not limited) Board of Directors positions: Director of Fields, Director of Facilities, Director of Equipment, Safety Officer, Director of Concessions, Director of Tournaments, and Umpire-In-Chief.
Vice President of Finances (Executive Board)
Is responsible for the coordination and development of all aspects of the finances of Snohomish Little League. Assists the President in preparing the yearly budget of league finances for the Annual Meeting in September and monthly budget to actual reports for each Board of Directors meeting. Will recruit, train, assist, and oversee the following as needed (recommended but not limited) Board of Directors positions: Treasurer, Director of Fundraising, Corporate Giving Coordinator, and Director of Sponsorships.
League Player Agent (Executive Board)
Records all player transactions and maintains an accurate and up-to-date record thereof. Receives and reviews applications for player candidates and assists the President in verifying residence and age eligibility. Conducts the tryouts, the player draft, and all other player transaction or selection meetings, in coordination with the Vice President of Baseball and the Vice President of Softball. Prepares the Player Agent’s list. Prepares for the President’s signature and submission to Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit.
Safety Officer
Coordinates all safety activities; ensures safety in player training; ensures safe playing conditions; coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries; solicits suggestions for making conditions safer; reports suggestions to Little League International through the league president and assists the Vice President of Operations in the preparation of the ASAP plan for submission to Little League International.
Equipment Manager
Responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all player equipment. Coordinates with the Vice Presidents of Baseball and Softball and Division Directors to order new equipment. Maintains inventory of reserve equipment. Prepares all equipment bags for distribution each new season with size appropriate equipment for each division. Provides scorebooks and pitch-count books to appropriate teams. Coordinates with the Vice Presidents of Baseball and Softball and the Division Directors to make sure that all equipment bags are distributed to managers by/on draft day for each league. Coordinates to receive all equipment bags back from the managers at the end of the season (or the end of all-star season). Maintains an inventory of all equipment in each bag to ensure that all equipment is returned and that equipment which has exceeded its life expectancy is replaced. Inspects all equipment, removing damaged, worn, or unsafe equipment, and replaces with new equipment.
Director of Softball
Works with the Vice President of Softball to review and update League rules and regulations, as needed. Helps coordinate communication and assists the Coaching Coordinator in education amongst coaches, players, and volunteers. Assists in planning and execution of League tryouts, drafts, and team building.
Director of Baseball
Works with the Vice President of Baseball to review and update League rules and regulations, as needed. Helps coordinate communication and assists the Coaching Coordinator in education amongst coaches, players, and volunteers. Assists in planning and execution of League tryouts, drafts, and team building.
Baseball Coaching Coordinator
Represents baseball coaches/managers in league; presents a baseball coach/manager training plan to the board; gains the support necessary a league-wide training program; orders and distributes training materials to baseball players, coaches, and managers; coordinates baseball mini-clinics as necessary; serves as the contact person for Snohomish Little League baseball manager-coach education. Receives and distributes coaching information from Little League International and distributes to all baseball coaches and managers.
Softball Coaching Coordinator
Represents softball coaches/managers in league; presents a softball coach/manager training plan to the board; gains the support necessary a league-wide training program; orders and distributes training materials to softball players, coaches, and managers; coordinates softball mini-clinics as necessary; serves as the contact person for Snohomish Little League softball manager-coach education. Receives and distributes coaching information from Little League International and distributes to all softball coaches and managers.
Director of Fields & Facilities
Works to improve and maintain all aspects of field and facility maintenance. Oversees the upkeep of League field maintenance equipment and works to keep the individual ballfields in playing order. Trains, assists, and schedules field maintenance volunteers. As an integral member of the Field Committee, the Director of Fields & Facilities helps determine the daily status of the fields.
Works with the Vice President of Finances to oversee and keep records for the receipt of all monies and securities of Snohomish Little League, including the Auxiliary, approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors. Prepares an annual budget and financial report, under the direction of the Vice President of Finances and the President, for submission to the Board of Directors. Prepares a monthly financial report, under the direction of the Vice President of Finances and the President, for submission to the Membership and Board of Directors at monthly meetings.
Director of Volunteers (Open Position)
Responsible for recruiting, organizing, and managing volunteers for all aspects of the League. Works with President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Baseball and Softball, Director of Concessions, and Division Directors to determine team managers, concession workers, field help, and other volunteer opportunities throughout the League.
Director of Concessions
Maintains the operation of concession facilities by organizing the purchase of concession products and is responsible for the management of the concession sales at league events. Works with the Director of Volunteers to schedule volunteers to work the concession booths during league events. Assists and keeps records of food handler certifications for volunteers. Collects and reviews concession related offers including coupons, discounts, and bulk-purchasing opportunities, and organizes, tallies, and keeps records of concession sales and purchases.
Works with the Vice President of Baseball and Vice President of Softball and all Divisional Directors to create and maintain practice and game schedules for respective divisions and teams.
Umpire-in-Chief (UIC) (Open Position)
Serves as coordinator and scheduler of all Umpire-related activities. Responsible for recommending umpires to the league President for appointment to the league umpire roster. Recruits, and organizes volunteer umpires while establishing a league umpire training program consistent with Little League® guidelines. Coordinates and assists with conducting umpire clinics at league and district level. Communicates rule changes to league umpires and coaches. If necessary, prepares league umpires for advancement to tournament levels. Communicates with and provides updates to the District Umpire-in-Chief on the league umpire program and attends umpire training programs at the District, State, Region, and/or Headquarters level, as applicable.
Fundraising/Corporate Sponsorship Coordinator
Solicits and secures local fundraising opportunities; organizes and implements approved league fundraising activities; coordinates participation in fundraising activities; and maintains records of monies secured through fundraising initiatives. Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support league operations; collects and reviews sponsorship opportunities; and maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship.
Baseball Player Agent
Assists the League Player Agent by helping conduct annual tryouts, player selection, checking birth records and eligibility of players, and managing player questions or movement within the baseball divisions.
Softball Player Agent
Assists the League Player Agent by helping conduct annual tryouts, player selection, checking birth records and eligibility of players, and managing player questions or movement within softball divisions.
Manages the registration and player management system (currently Stack Sports), including but not limited to:
- Setting up registration for all league events throughout league year.
- Collecting contact information of all coaches and volunteers for use by teams.
- Setting up teams on (Stack Sports) to best enable coaches to contact their teams.
- Be the official contact with (Stack Sports) and District 1 Little League for registration.
- Assign appropriate administrative rights to league volunteers and teams.
Divisional Directors
Works with scheduler to created game schedules. Oversees teams and coaching staff. Reviews and updates division League rules prior to start of year. The Division Directors are responsible to run and organize their individual divisions within Snohomish Little League. All Division Directors work in conjunction with the President, Vice President of Operations, and Vice Presidents of Baseball and Softball.